My name is Dirk-Jan Wisse van der Zalm (calling name Wisse),
born and raised in the Netherlands. I have studied Environmental Science
and I am a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor (#334458) since 2014.
My passion of diving started with an introduction dive in Sharm el Naga (Egypt) in 2005. Since then I went diving every year on holidays and have been diving in many places. For example: Aruba, Australia, Borneo, Crete, Egypt, Sint-Maarten and Tenerife.
Read MoreThe reason that they call the Earth a “water planet” is that water covers around 70% of our planet. Seawater makes up more than 95% of that water. Besides all the marine life that lives in our oceans, it produces two resources that are vital to life: oxygen and heat distribution.
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